Murtaza Fazal's Blog

Murtaza Fazal's Blog
Murtaza Fazal's Blog

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sql : Highest Marks in Each Course

Interviews are like short refresher courses where you learn different things and its a good habit to retry the questions which you could not answer on the spot.

One of the interesting queries (SQL) i found during one of the interviews was this one which looked so simply but it required little bit of brain storming.

Task : You have 3 tables (Student {StdId, Name}, Course{CourseId,CourseName}, Marks{StdId,CourseId, Marks}) . Select highest scores from each course with course name and student name.

Query :

SELECT C.CourseName,S.Name,M.Marks
   select courseid,max(marks) as Marks from marks
   group by courseid
  ) tmp
INNER JOIN Marks M ON tmp.CourseId = M.CourseId AND tmp.Marks = M.Marks
INNER JOIN Course C ON C.CourseId = M.CourseId
INNER JOIN Student S ON S.StdId = M.StdId